A public consultation has been launched for a proposed new housing development in Dublin 14.
The development, at Mount St Mary's, Dundrum Road, would consist of 129 apartments in three blocks ranging in height from two to six stories and includes:
• Block A (five-six stores) comprising 65 apartments (33 one-bed and 32 two-bed units);
• Block B (five-six storeys) comprising 56 apartments (35 one-bed and 21 two-bed units);
• Block C (two storeys) comprising eight apartments (four one-bed and four two-bed units).
The proposed development also includes residential communal open space areas, public open space, ancillary structures, and car/cycle parking including 12 EV charging spaces and three accessible spaces.
Associated site and infrastructural works includes: Provision for water services; foul and surface water drainage and connections; attenuation proposals; permeable paving; all landscaping works including tree protection, tree removal and new tree planting; green roofs; boundary treatment; internal roads and footpaths; and electrical services.
Further details and a link to the public consultation are available here.
Construction News
Public Consultation Launches For Dublin 14 Housing Development

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