90/5 Lagan Road
Dublin Industrial Estate
Dublin Industrial Estate
Dublin 11
About Svelt Ireland Sales Ltd
Svelt Ladders Ireland, based in the Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, supply a range of ladders for Professional, Trade and DIY use. Established in 1964, Svelt Italy has been providing their customers with high quality ladders.
In 2018, a partnership was forged between Fast Scaffolds (Est. 1979), Liam Corry and Svelt Italy to create Svelt Ireland.
With over 20 years in the ladder business, Liam has been up and down the country supplying Ladders, and since 2018, Svelt products. His family brought the Waku Ladders to Ireland, and to this day Svelt and Liam continue to support the Waku brand.
All of our ladders are made from aluminium, timber or fiberglass. Extended range products include handtrucks, loading ramps, special access equipment, aerial platforms, mezzanines and low level folding scaffolds (Roller) is made from aluminium.
All SVELT ladders conform to the specific technical standards concerning safety in manufacturing and use. Modern trademarks and certificates confirm that our products are of top grades and have undergone quality tests.
- Adjustable telescopic platform stepladder with 360° guardrail protection - Telefly
- Adjustable telescopic platform stepladder - Telefly Light
- Platform stepladder with 360° guardrail protection - Fly
- Platform ladder with rungs and 360° guardrail protection - Fly Light
- Mobile platform stepladder with 360° guardrail protection with 4 self braking wheels - Mini Fly
- Moby Aluminium Heavy-duty stepladder
- Moby Fibreglass Mobile Platform Ladder
Step Ladders
- Single sided aluminium stepladder.
- Aluminium stepladder with platform and guardrail - Marea
- One Sided Stepladder - Regina +
- Aluminium stepladder with platform, guardrail and handrail - Regina Special
Ladders, Extension & Telescopic
- Extra-strong telescopic multipurpose ladder with large base - Scalissima Plus
- Extension Ladders for Roof Access
- Two-section Push-up Ladder with/without rope - E2 & E2F
- Three-section push-up ladder with/without rope - E3 & E3F
- Two-section push-up ladder with/without rope - Luxe2
Low Level Access
- Special aluminium platforms - Small, Medium and Large
- Single sided step-stool in welded aluminium - Cargo
- Single-sided anodized aluminium step-stool - Record
- Double-sided aluminium stepstool - Punto S
- Super light mobile platform stepladder - Mini Fly Light
- Two-section push-up and A frame fibreglass ladder - V2
- Three-section push-up and A frame fibreglass ladder - V3
- Double-sided electrically isolated fibreglass stepladder - V6
- Moby Fibreglass Mobile Platform Ladder
Special Access