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McEntee Interiors

McEntee Interiors Contact Details

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Linda McEntee
17A Culcavy Road
County Co Down
BT 26 6JD
Northern Ireland

About McEntee Interiors

McEntee Interiors is an exclusive design house that delivers exclusive design experience by using architecture, interior design, and products as powerful tools to create a seamless brand and design expression.

Through excellent communication, organisation, and presentation skills and a passion with regard to high quality, proper planning and attention to detail I believe in empowering clients to understand and connect to the end user, turning products into desired experiences and physical spaces into destinations.

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Having travelled extensively throughout the world over the past twelve years experiencing different cultures and designs, I cannot deny its influence on my interiors, generating creative ideas and concepts and creating luxurious, timeless living.

McEntee Interiors was established in 2008 by Linda McEntee, with previous experience gained during several years working as an interior designer for clients in both residential and commercial fields. Qualified as an interior designer in 2000, I then went on to further my studies in interior architecture qualifying in 2005.

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With a strong understanding of project development and the ability to lead and manage design projects from inception to completion McEntee Interiors can deliver remarkable results for clients at every level.

We are committed to delivering the best results at competitive prices.

Exclusive Design
McEntee Interiors is an exclusive design house that delivers individual design experiences through the use of architecture, interior design and products as powerful tools to create seamless design expression.

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Design Method
At McEntee Interiors we firmly believe in delivering the highest quality results for our clients. We educate our clients throughout the process and only ever use high quality products.

Linda McEntee
McEntee Interiors was established in 2008 by Linda McEntee. With previous experience gained during several years working as an interior designer for clients in both residential and commercial fields.

McEntee Interiors ImageMcEntee Interiors Image

Location Map

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McEntee Interiors Serves The Following Towns

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